SAH3 Run #933
The ROYAL run
Saturday, 5 August 2023, 15:00 CEST
: Ulriksdals Castle
: Bad Prince
: 20 °C, partially cloudy, light breeze.
: 120 kr
: (B) a Secret place in the Royal National Park

How to get to Ulriksdals Castle:

The last bus from Bergshamra center departure at 14:38

The last bus from Ulriksdals Station departure at 14:16


Welcome to the ROYAL run!

This will be an A to B run/walk with 2 swim stops and 4 drink stops, all in the beautiful Royal National Park.

Bags with dry clothes for on inn will be taken care of at A and transported to B.  

Bring swim gear if you don't want to be naked in the public. Maybe under your hash clothes or in a little run-rugsack. A towel might come in handy. There will be a circle and possibilities to shower before the Three Course Dinner at the Royal table at B. Bring a warm jacket or sweater if the evening gets chilly.

Prince Bertils shrimp crépes. (also veg)

Veal filé Oscar II. (also veg)

Princess Gateau. 

There will be wine and beer for sale.

Come dressed up as the Kings and Queens you are. Princesses and Princes are most welcome too!

Please let the Bad Prince know if you are cuming and want to eat at the royal table before Wednesday 2 August at 24.00! And let me know if you have any food restrictions! mail: PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmxlbm5hcnRAc3ZlbnNzb25zZ2VzdGVyLnNlIj5sZW5uYXJ0QHN2ZW5zc29uc2dlc3Rlci5zZTwvYT4= or 0705533000

Last updated about 1 year ago.