SAH3 Run #934
9th Fermented Herring Hash on Ljusterö
Saturday, 19 August 2023, 13:45 CEST
: Nordströmsslingan 10, Laggarsvik on the Island of Ljusterö
: SillyConFeet
: 18 °C, overcast, gentle breeze.
: 120 kr
: Kvarnbergsvägen 8 on Ljusterö

WHAT: Absolute #934 – the fermented herring hash on the Island of Ljusterö – welcome!

WHEN: Around 13.45 when all hashers have arrived.

WHERE: A will be at Casa Ferdinand TBS in Laggarsvik. SillyConFeet will meet up at bus or boat stop and guide you. B will be Casa SillyConFeet on Kvarnbergsvägen 8 on Ljusterö. Those that come by bus can choose to have a scenic pre run around Laggarsvik. There will be a car at A taking your bags to B.

FEEDBACK: Please let SillyConFeet know by mail or sms latest wednesday the 16th

1/      if you are coming so we can fix adequate amount of beverage.

2/      if you want some tasty food so we can purchase right amount of ingredients. If you want Kimchi instead of fermented herring, let us know.

3/       if you are staying over so we can prepare beds.

4/       if you are cuming with car to B so we can arrange transport to A before the #. Arrive latest 12.15.

TRAIL: It’s going to be an A2B run/walk. The walkers trail will be about 6 k and runner trails 9-12 k. There will be swim & drinkstops.


Getting there: 

Alt 1 Take bus 626 from Danderyds sjukhus 11.26 and get off at Laggarsvik 12.55.

Alt 2 Take Vaxholmsboat from Strömkajen 11.00 and get off at Laggarsviks brygga 13.39

Alt 3 Take own car and drive to B on Kvarnbergsv 8 ( Be there latest 12.15. Let SillyConFeet know if you take your own car so we can arrange transport for you to Laggarsvik before the start. 

Recommended ways of getting back same day:

Alt 1 Bus 626 from Lillström ->Danderyds sjukhus 19.44-21.26.

Alt 2 Waxholmsboat Linanäs-> Strömkajen 19.20-21.50. The landing is 5 km away – please let SillyConFeet know in advance you want to take this boat.

Alt 3 Sail with Nordic Semen on his ship that embarks Tyresö slott @10 on Friday. Let SCF know he will arrange with Nordic. Got 5 extra bunks on his ship to sleep over if you prefer.

Recommended ways for sleep overs to get back on Sunday:

Alt 1 Bus 626 från Mjölnarström to Danderyds Sjukhus 9.55-11.29

Alt 2 Waxholmsboat Stensvik -> Strömkajen 13.01-15.00. The landing is 3.5 km away – please let SillyConFeet know in advance you want to take this boat.

Other bus or boat alternatives on Sunday if you are stayining over - see the ”res i Stockholm” app (bus alternatives - search on Mjölnarström or Lillström to Danderyds sjukhus, boat alternatives - search on Stensviks brygga or Linanäs brygga)

Costs for taking Waxholmsboat:  Fare between Laggarsvik and Linanäs to Strömkajen, see Zone 4, and Stenvik to Strömkajen, see Zone 5 in fare table. You can either buy ticket with card on the boat or through SL app.

ACCOMODATION: There are extra beds indoor for 6, a sofa, 2 in the sailing boat and a tent friendly garden.

STAFF: SillyConFeet is hare and Ferdinand TBS is everything else. Any volunteer helping with setting tables and cooking?

DRESS CODE: hash gear depending on weather.  Swimgear recommended as there will be a swimstop and no shower possibilities. Non-shy hashers can of course do without the swim gear.

- If you plan to stay over, please bring bed linen or sleeping bag.

- If you leave your towel at A we will make sure you get it at the last swimstop.

- There will be alternatives to fermented herring, probably crayfish, if you like. For vegetarians the fermented herring will be replaced with kimchi.

Emergency phone number: 072-222 65 80 (SillyConFeet)
Mail: PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmd1bm5hci52b3hieUBnbWFpbC5jb20iPmd1bm5hci52b3hieUBnbWFpbC5jb208L2E+ (SillyConFeet)


/SillyConFeet & Ferdinand TBS

Last updated 3 months ago.