SAH3 Run #932
*Q's Beer Cellar Inauguration Run / FiftyTenth Rotational Celebration Run / Under Construction Run
Saturday, 22 July 2023, 15:00 CEST
: Ljungbergsgatan 3, Norrtälje
: *low Queen (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T21Kc2IydGxkMlZsYmtCbmJXRnBiQzVqYjIwaVBtSnNiMnRsZDJWbGJrQm5iV0ZwYkM1amIyMDhMMkUrPC9zcGFuPiBvciA8YSBocmVmPSJ0ZWw6MDczNjUwMjgzMCI+MDczLTY1MCAyOCAzMDwvYT4=)
: 21 °C, partially cloudy, gentle breeze.
: 120 kr
: Gamla Eneberg
As always, it’s amazingly easy to get to Norrtälje. Just hop on SL’s comfortable 676 double decker bus from Tekniska högskolan at 13:34 or Danderyds sjukhus at 13:46 and enjoy the upstairs views and free WiFi for about an hour before disembarking at Norrtälje Gustavslund (right after Campus Roslagen) at 14:40. From there, it’s a short 5 minute walk to the run start, just follow the half arrows as usual.
On your return in the evening, the busses depart the southbound Norrtälje Gustavslund* stop every 15 minutes until 19:50, then every 30 minutes (at 20:20, 20:50, etc) until 23:50. From then on, the 696 takes over with with departures at 00:47 and 01:47, but that’s it — if you miss that bus, you have to stay the night.
Or screw it, just stay the night anyway! I have a couple of extra beds & mattresses inside the house to offer and plenty of soft, smooth grass outside to pitch your tent on. Just let me know ahead of time so that I can make sure that we all fit and have enough for breakfast the next morning.
*) Please note that the returning southbound bus stop is not at exactly the same location as the northbound one you arrive at, but about 200 m further north on Stockholmsvägen. There’s also construction on Stockholmsvägen right now, so you can’t go directly to it as has been possible int he past. Instead, you have to go back to the northbound stop, turn left, follow Stockholmsvägen for a bit, then cross back over Stockholmsvägen to get to the southbound stop. Don’t worry, I’ll mark it up for you.

Dear Hashers,

Please cum & help me inaugurate my newly renovated beer cellar in at the Old Cottage Eneberg at Ljungbergsgatan 3 in Norrtälje this Saturday, July 22! There will be not one, but two freshly brewed beers on tap from the venerable Gamla Enebergs Bryggeri (i.e. my kitchen) together with a keg of some German imported piss, uh, I mean pils and a lot of other little liquid goodies for your general quaffification.
To help induce the proper Thirst, SAH3 Run #932 will precede the inauguration at 15:00, complete with Walkers & Runners trails, Turkey & Eagle loops, and possibly even a Beer Quest or two along the way.
Pay no attention to the questionable forecasts of the despicable SMHI, our much more reliable & accurate RAs have told me that the weather will be perfect for r*nning, sunny & pleasant, and without any risk of rain that could dilute our beverages or wash away our marks. (So help us Gispert.)
Please RSVP by Thursday July 20 at the latest if you’re planning on staying for dinner and/or the night and what — if any — food allergies or aversions you might have.
On On,
(Your 1 and 0nly)
B/Slow Queen
PS. Oh yeah, coincidentally, I also seem to have experienced another rotation around the sun earlier this year. I think it was the 10th anniversary of my 50th rotation or some such nonsense. No wonder I'm feeling so loopy… 😜

Last updated about 1 year ago.