SAH3 Run #931
Fourpack's 60th Birthday Run & Party Weekend
Saturday, 8 July 2023, 14:00 CEST
: Gräsbo (Fourpack's mansion)
: Fourpack & Miz Moneypenny
: 21 °C, partially cloudy, light breeze.
: 120 kr
: Casa Fourpack North
  • By car: Typing "140 Gräsbo Österbybruk" on your navigating device should point you in the right direction. Make sure it's Österbybruk, because there's another Gräsbo in the neighbourhood, just to confuse you! For those who prefer old-fashioned navigation: Take the E4 past Uppsala. Turn off at exit 189 Fullerömotet, and then turn right on road 290 towards Österbybruk. Once in Österbybruk, stay on the 290, following signs for Lövstabruk. You will pass through Andersbo and Kilen. The next signpost says Gräsbo. Approximately a mile after this signpost, there is a yellow and white house on the right side (the only house of that colour and the first house on the right side). Right after this house, there is a small, gravelled road to the right. Turn off there, and you will see my mansion in shining yellow to your right!
  • By public transport: The closest public transport is Österbybruk, some 15 km from Gräsbo. You can get there from Stockholm by train to Uppsala, and then train+bus. But I suggest that we try to team up in cars. More about this further down.
  • You can of course also take the pendeltåg to Uppsala and bike from there. That might give you a downdown though!
Saturday 8th July 14.00Note the time - we start a bit earlier to allow people who are not staying over to eat and travel back home.
Runners' and Walkers' trails. Celebratory drink stops. Circle. You know the drill!
And after that...
  • Quick rinse-off, using nice cold well water from the mansion's camping shower. Everyone will smell the same, so no worries 😄 Alternatively, if there are enough sober drivers, we can go to a lake 4 km from the mansion
  • Food and more drinks
  • Party!
  • At some point, pitch your tent. There's plenty of camping space on the grass. I have one tent plus sleeping bag and mattress to lend - first come, first served!
  • Sleep... maybe
  • Hangover... maybe
  • Breakfast
  • Optional excursions in the area before buggering off, or maybe exploring Österbybruk on the way back
Survival kit
  • For those staying the night - camping equipment
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Emergency beer, wine etc. I will provide drinks with and without alcohol at self-cost, but it's hard to calculate the right amount, and going dry would be a terrible thing...
  • Your mug, of course, and your favourite drinking vessel for the evening
  • Some drinking w*ter. I know, I know... We're hashers! But just in case... I filter the water from the neighbours' well, but the process is pretty slow, about 1 litre per hour, so we may need some extra
  • Towel, soap, toothbrush etc. etc.
  • Swim gear, in case we go to the lake
  • Torch
Planning & Logistics
Please let me know, no later than Sunday 2 July, but preferably earlier, if you're cummin' by telling me the following:
  • Hash name
  • Means of transport
    • By car - Please tell me where you're leaving from, the names of the hashers in your, car and how many empty seats you have that can be filled by aspiring hashers. I will try to be a match maker, but of course you can also talk amongst you to team up in cars!
    • By public transport - There is this option, travelling from Stockholm C via Uppsala and Skyttorp to Österbybruk (check Uppsala Lokaltrafik for more details). If you take this route and would need a lift from Österbybruk, let me know, and I'll try to find willing hasher(s) who could pick you up!
    • By other means of transport - Which means you should tell me by which means!
    • Would like a lift. Tell me from where, and I will try to squeeze you into a hash car!
  • Will you be eating, and if so, do you have any dietary requirements?
  • Are you staying over? (Breakfast will be provided at self-cost price)

Last updated about 1 year ago.