SAH3 Run #915
Saturday, 26 November 2022, 14:00 CET
: Ulriksdals station
: 2SC
: 2 °C, overcast, light breeze.
: 120 kr
: Bagartorpsringen 70, 13 floor, Bello/Qvarfordt

Ulriksdals pendeltåg station, be in north end of train.



-There will be beer

-There will be trails, runners n walkers

- There will be drink stops 

- There will be delicious Asian food prepared by Ménage 

- It will BE LOUD

- It will be crowded

- It will be birthday

Let 2 Swedes know if U R Staying for dinner, kindly before friday.

PS. It Will be possible to put bag or changing clothes in tvättstuga so U don't have 2 go up n down 13 floors b4 circle.

PS2. There Will be wine, beer n craft beer/cider to self cost price.

Last updated almost 2 years ago.