SUH3 Run #1444
Wednesday, 25 May 2022, 18:30 CEST
: Fruängen
: Laid Bird (TWl6bWFu)
: 16 °C, light rain, partially cloudy, gentle breeze.
: 20 kr
: Little Brother and Ditch Bitch's party room.

Follow half arrows from the station to On Inn. It takes about 10mins to walk and we will start on time. 


Since it is a red day on Thursday after this run we will have a bit of a party. 

We will run/walk as normal and afterwards there will be a wine tasting with a quiz hosted by Tranny Granny. She will also fix some food for us.
You need to sign up, because there is limited space. Contact Tranny Granny. Also let her know if you have any food restrictions.
When the tasting is over we will PARTY! 
Beer and wine will be sold for self cost prices.
If you have some special drink you prefer then bring it we will only have the basic beer and wine.

There's no sauna or shower.

You are more than welcome to only come for the run off course.

Last updated over 2 years ago.