SAH3 Run #902
SCF 60 years birthday hash
Saturday, 28 May 2022, 11:40 CEST
: Ingmarsö
: SillyConFeet and Ferdinand TBS (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T21kMWJtNWhjaTUyYjNoaWVVQm5iV0ZwYkM1amIyMGlQbWQxYm01aGNpNTJiM2hpZVVCbmJXRnBiQzVqYjIwOEwyRSs8L3NwYW4+)
: 11 °C, light rain, overcast, light breeze.
: 40 kr
: Ingmarsö Krog

There are many transportation alternatives, see below. If you think it’s too early in the morning to take the Waxholmsboat from Strömkajen you can go there the day before or skip breakfast at home and have it on the boat instead. There is a little cafe on the boat and you can also bring your own. About fares and tickets on the waxholms boat, see

How to get there:

Alt 1: 8.45 Waxholms boat from Strömkajen, arrival at Norra Ingmarsö 11.20.

Alt 2: 9.27 bus 626 from Danderyds Sjukhus will arrive 10.47 at Åsättra brygga. Boat leaves 10.50 from Åsättra brygga and arrives at Norra Ingmarsö 11.20.

Alt 3: car to Åsättra brygga at Ljusterö (free parking if you stay max 24 h, otherwise you need to pay 50kr/24 h, see sign at parking), then take boat that leaves 10.50 (same as alt 2). Note that there is no suitable ferry back same day.

Alt 4: By own boat if you got one. Then you can book a spot in Ingemarsö guest harbour here: It's 18 minutes walk to A and 5 minutes to B. There is also a nice nature harbour to moor at Kålgårdsön, see, but then you have to walk 40 minutes to A.

How to get from there:

Alt 1: 18.10 Waxholms boat from Norra Ingmarsö, arrival at Strömkajen at 20.50. Note - it's a 1.4 km from OnIn at Ingmarsö krog to Norra Ingmarsö so start in good time.

Alt 2: Boat from Norra Ingmarsö to Åsättra brygga on Sunday 13.10 (there is no suitable boat on Saturday). It arrives 13.45 and the bus 626 leaves from there 14.03 and arrives at Danderyds Sjukhus 15.28. 

Alt 3: Car alternative. Boat from Norra Ingmarsö to Åsättra brygga on Sunday 10.05->10.40, 13.10->13.45 or 15.20->15.55 (there is no suitable boat on Saturday).

Alt 4: Go back with own boat when you feel for it.

Alt 5: If you are in a hurry back home, 16.55 uboat from Södra Ingmarsö, arrival at Strömkajen 19.40. You might miss the sauna and will miss the dinner.

Alt 6: Stay over on Ingmarsö and take a boat back into Strömkajen on Sunday, see or


The plan is that hash will start from Norra Ingmarsö landing at 11.20. It will be an A2B run where B will be Södra Ingmarsö to where transport of bags to B have been arranged. Before OnIn at Ingmarsö Krog there will be time to freshen up and perhaps take a swim and a sauna (booked 14-17 at the harbour, note max 6 at the time).

Bring swimgear and towel if you plan to have a Sauna. Not sure how people would react if we run around nude in the yacht club.

You pay for your own food this time. Need to preorder food so we will share the menu as soon it becomes available in the beginning of May. SillyConFeet will send out a questionnaire for you to fill in beforehand.

Regarding the alternative of sleeping over on the Island. There are plenty of options:

1/ Fully booked 2022-05-14. Båtdragarvägen 1, Henry Salomons house that is close to B (see He has 14 beds to rent and it's conveniently close both to Ingmarsö krog and the Sauna for a price of 350kr/bed. You will then share a kitchen, wc and shower.

2/ Tenting on the island - contact SilliConFeet (0722226580 or PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmd1bm5hci52b3hieUBnbWFpbC5jb20iPmd1bm5hci52b3hieUBnbWFpbC5jb208L2E+). If you tent and want to shower, use proper toilets and have a sauna in the morning you can rent the sauna at the boat club.

3/ Bränningsvägen 16 (Gunilla Rydback, the lady that runs Norrgården B&B). 4 pack has booked a little house with 4 beds. Norrgården B&B is unfortunately fully booked due to a weddeing.

4/ Live on a boat if you bring one. The harbour is beside the sauna and close to Ingmarsö krog. You book a landing here:

5/ There are probably other options but unfortunately the B&B Ingmarsö Norrgård is fully booked due to a wedding (we will probably bump into Daniela and Ronny as it's a relatively small Island ♥️).

If you don't find anywhere to bunk, please let SillyConFeet know and we will try to find something. However, the plan is that you will not miss the hash, sauna and dinner if you take the boat back from Norra Ingmarsö to Strömkajen @ 18.10. Note - it's a 1.4 km from OnIn at Ingmarsö krog to Norra Ingmarsö so start in good time.


SillyConFeet 😋and Ferdinand TBS 🐃

If you have questions you can contact SCF on PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmd1bm5hci52b3hieUBnbWFpbC5jb20iPmd1bm5hci52b3hieUBnbWFpbC5jb208L2E+ or 0722226580.

Last updated over 2 years ago.