SAH3 Run #714
Saturday, 14 March 2015, 15:00 CET
: Barkarby station
: SillyConFeet, Two Pricks & Jannie Walker (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T21kMWJtNWhjaTUyYjNoaWVVQjBaV3hwWVM1amIyMGlQbWQxYm01aGNpNTJiM2hpZVVCMFpXeHBZUzVqYjIwOEwyRSs8L3NwYW4+PGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3MDgxODQ5NjQiPjA3MDgxODQ5NjQ8L2E+)
: 70 kr
: Soprangränd 78 Vällingby
WHAT: Absolute #714 the Tintin "flight 714 to Sydney" hash


WHEN: NOTE – HASH START @ 15.00, Saturday the 14th of March 2015.

WHERE: A will be Barkarby railway station, B will be ”Island Pulau-Pulau Bompa” at Chez Casa Two Pricks and Jannie Walker on Soprangränd 78 in Vällingby. There will be a hashcar in Barkarby taking your bags to B.

FEEDBACK: Let Jannie Walker know latest Thursday the 12th of March if you are planning to eat so the right amount of food and drinks can be prepared. Her number is 0708357811.


TRAIL: It’s going to be an A2B run with walkers and runners trail (unfortunately no skiing as originally inteded :-(). There will of course be a Sani-Cola drinkstop :-).

TRANSPORT: Recommended: train from Stockholm Central 14.28 that arrives @ Barkarby station 14.43. For those that dare to risk coming home with the Moose ca

n take the train 15 minutes later. If you come with car you can park on the guestparking at Solens förskola on Banvägen 27. About 100 m walk to Casa Jannie Walker and Two Pricks on Soprangränd 78. SCF will drive you to A.

STAFF: SillyConFeet - trailmaster. OnIn and cooking masters: Jannie Walker and Two Pricks

DRESS CODE: If you are up for it - one of the characters in the book for example: Tintin, Snowy, Captain Haddoc, Professor calculus, Dr Krollspell, Mik Kanrokitoff, Laszlo Carreidas, Spalding, Allan, Rastapopolus, Piotr Skut, extraterrestrials, Gino the waiter. Unfortunately there are no main female characters in this book. Suggestion to harriets that don’t want to dress up as men: Extraterrestrials (they actually appear in the end of the book - but you never see them so let your fantasy flow :-)) or women from other Tintin books such as Bianca Castafiore.

OTHER: To get in in the right spirit look at this clip:
You can also read the full story on: Flight 714 to Sydney
EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER: 0708-184964 (SCF), 0705597254 (Two Pricks) or 0708357811 (Jannie Walker)


/SillyConFeet, Jannie Walker, Two Pricks and Snowy


Last updated over 8 years ago.