SAH3 Run #713
Saturday, 28 February 2015, 14:00 CET
: Klippgatan 20, SOLNA
: Bambi & Skippy (bWloZXplbCBhdCBqdW5vIGRvdCBjb20gb3IgPGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3Mzk3NDc0NjgiPjA3Mzk3NDc0Njg8L2E+)
: 70 kr
: The Lokal, Front of the building off Klippgatan

Take the blue line (11 towards Akalla) to Solna Centrum stop.  Go out the Solna Centrum exit and follow the half arrows to the on inn.  The entrance to the lokal is in front of the building on Klippgatan.


We will be in the lokal which includes a sauna and a shower. This sauna has not yet been christened by the Hash.

Food will be provided and beer and wine at 10kr each. If you have any dietary restrictions, let us know.

As always its great to have an estimate of attendees so let us know if you are coming, late deciders are also welcome.

Last updated over 8 years ago.