SAH3 Run #696
Not the Fourth of July Run
Saturday, 5 July 2014, 15:00 CEST
: Ljungbergsgatan 3, Norrtälje
: Bloqween (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T21Kc2IzRjNaV1Z1UUdkdFlXbHNMbU52YlNJK1lteHZjWGRsWlc1QVoyMWhhV3d1WTI5dFBDOWhQZz09PC9zcGFuPg==)
: 70 kr

The run start at the cottage is easy to get to from Stockholm.

Bus 676 leaves Tekniska högskolan and Danderyds sjukhus every 15 minutes in the afternoon and takes about an hour to Norrtälje. The last bus you can catch and still arrive on time departs Tekniska högskolan at 13:50 and Danderyds sjukhus at 14:00. Don't miss it.

Get off at stop Norrtälje Gustavslund at 14:51. It is the second stop in town after Campus Roslagen. From the bus stop, it’s about a 5 min walk to the On Inn with half arrows marking the way.  On the way back, the returning bus stop is on the other side of the street but about 250 m closer to the town center.  Bus 676 leaves every 30 min in the evening until 00:02 and bus 696 continues hourly after that until 01:47.

Alternatively, by car, head north from Stockholm on the E18 until you reach Norrtälje.  Take the 3rd exit in the roundabout, following the brand spanking new road 76 until you reach the next roundabout just after a short tunnel. Turn right here onto Esplanaden and then immediately right again on Vikingagatan. Follow it until it ends (three blocks) and then turn left on Ljungbergsgatan. Park anywhere you like. PLEASE NOTE that although the new road has been added to Google Maps, the crossings are wrong and the driving directions you get are wrong too. OpenStreetMap has gotten it right, though.


¡Bienvenido a las Carreras Unidas de Norrtälje!

¡Una cerveza más, por favor!


Please welcum to another Absolut r*n at the old cottage Vieja Roco Enebro in Norrtälje.

Not only are we celebrating it being Not the 4th of July, it's also the 5 year anniversary of hashing in Norrtälje and the first run since the new segment of riksväg 76 opened last month!  So bring your sombrero and your sarape and of course your zapatos para correr and let's make this weekend one to (not) remember!

You're welcome to stay the night at the cottage! There is a limited supply of spare mattresses in the house, but ample space on the lawn outside for anyone who wants to pitch a tent.  There's also an STF hostel called Hvilan at Lundmansgatan 9B (spitting distance from the On Inn) and Hotel Roslagen just across Stockholmsvägen about a 15 min walk away. 

PLEASE LET THE HARE KNOW IF YOU WANT TO CUM!  This is especially true if you want to stay overnight as the mattresses are first serve first cum, but very much appreciated even if you're just here for the day. If you’ve told me already, please tell me again. I tend to forget, especially if was drunk at the time you told me.

For further information, please contact your's truly by e-mail (preferably) or by phone on 0176-10554 or SMS to 073-650 28 30. You can try to call that number too, but be aware that my mobil phone's microphone has gone bust so I can only talk to you if I happen to have my headset handy when you call.

¡Vamos, vamos!
--Soplar Reina

PS. Yes, there will be homebrew. :)
PPS. Yes, there will be pink bubbly. :)
PPPS. Yes, there will be a swim stop too. :)

Last updated over 8 years ago.