SAH3 Run #695
Saturday, 21 June 2014, 15:00 CEST
: Helenelund Pendeltåg station
: 2 Swedes Cumming (PGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3MDIzMjgwMDEiPjA3MCAtIDIzIDI4IDAwMTwvYT4=)
: 70 kr
: Casa 2 Swedes Cummin n Menage á Trois


Welcome to Celebrate 2 Swedes Cummins 10 years of hashing in Sweden.

Hawaiian theme. Bring on your favorite Hawaiian outfit, and hula hula hash AHHH 695.

A to B, starting in Helenelund and ending close to Ulriksdal.

Runners and Walkers trail! Swimstop for the Brave! Drinkstops and exellent on after food with an Hawaiian touch. 

Please email 2 Swedes if U plan 2 cum. jonas.qvarfordt at


2 Swedes Cummin n Menage a trois


Last updated over 8 years ago.