GH3 Run #37: Nash Hash Sweden Island Run
: 2007-05-18
: Saltholmen
: Shrimp Spew and Jerk Off
: Unknown

The ready set go run.

Our run took place on three islands in the southern archipelago of Gothenburg.  We were supposed to start on Donsö when arriving there with the 10.30 ferry from Saltholmen ferry terminal.   We were going from our hotel in Mölndal to Salholmen by bus and tram and since it was a tight time shedule it was a bit stressfull to get all Hashers to meet up in the lobby in time for the short walk to the busstop but we made it.  Standing at the busstop we saw the bus coming and it stopped were about 20 hashers stood waiting.  Then something strange happens.  The buss drives on without letting us aboard but it stops again 100 meters ahead and  we have to run to catch up with it.  So finally we are on the way.  Coming in to the city were we are supposed to take the tram we see that the number 11 tram is already standing at the tram stop in Brunnsparken and I tell the Hashers we must make a run for it.  So ready set go but before our bus had stopped we see the tram starting and driving away.  Being the Hare I realized that now we were getting late for the ferry.  This didnt bother the Hashers so while waiting for the next tram we had a circle with DownDowns in Brunnsparken.

10 minutes after the next tram came and now we were really delayed.  Luckily Total Wanker and ShrimpSpew were already at Salholmen and they persuaded the ferry captain to wait for us for five minutes so once again it was ready set go.  When arriving at the the tramstop at Salholmen we had to run to the board.  It must have been a sight seeing twenty Hashers running onboard the ferry.

The ferry took us to Donsö and the run started in the old fishing port.  The run was set the day before in some ligt rain but we soon noticed that our flower spots were still ok.

We ran through the narrow streets of the village over the the otherside of the island were there is a bridge over to the next island Styrsö.  Here we ran into the woods and there was some muddy parts on the path but it seemed ok because our young hashers Lost&Found, Beer Birdie and Trial Walker made it through in the prams.  This muddy path took us to the first stop which was the Hashview.  Climbing up the hill was tiresome for Hashers but I hope the view was worth it.  Coming down the hill the last walkers had catched up with the rest of us.  By now people were longing for a Beerstop including myself so when coming down into the village we had a beerstop at Bratten. 

Compared to this morning we now had more time now so when finishing our beer we went to the nearby pub for more beer.  Then we continued the run on the streets along gardens with big old beatiful houses.  Here our virgin Florence found an old fotball and while running along the street towards Tången we were kicking this football between us.   Florence and Horny Boy showed good footballskills.  We continued over to Tången we were taking another ferry over to the last island Brännö. 

Tången was really nice with narrow streets and small house and here we also had time for a short break before the ferry.

On Brännö the ferry came in just by "Brännö Brygga" made famous in an old song so offcourse we stopped their for a dance.  Then we were on the trail again.  The runners got a path around the cliffs by the beach and the walkers got a shortcut over the hill called "path of love".  Being among the runners I can not say what when on over on "path of love".   Now we were waiting for OnIn so we decided to have a Hashhold by Brännö Inn and then follow the mainstreet acoss the Island and give the Hashers a shortcut.  Along the way here one Hasher went missing.   Finally OnIn in the garden of my collegue Agneta and family.  Thanks for letting us use their garden and to Hampus who help setting up the beer and snacks in there bicycleshed.  When starting the circle we notice Higgins is missing.  I borrow a bike and go backward on the trail but cant find him but when going back I see him coming walking.   Higgins was hearing some noice and walked in that direction and it was the noice of the circle he had heard.   So when we came back our GM Penis Boy and RA Queen Latifa had started with DownDowns.  We had a great time and then also our guests Higgins and Neptunus held a show and giving out DownDowns.  Will remember their underwearshow.  By now it started to rain a little but it was ok for we had fun. 

Then it was time to take the boat back to Saltholmen and since we now had time over we could go back to the hotel to change clothes before going to African/Caribeean restaurant Simba for a great dinner.  Here we went on with some games and dancing.  Our main event was the vote for Hashking and Hashqueen and the winners were Red Carpet and Neptunus.   I guess Neptunus got many votes wearing his great red dress and dutch cloggs. 

After Simba there were some bup stops in town. 

Thanks to our guests from Brussels,  Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Oslo and Stockholm hashes for a great day.