SUH3 Run #1555
The Barnkalas Run
Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 18:30 CEST
: Majestix (crossing Lindhagensgatan / Hornsbergs Strand)
: Fourpack
: 17 °C, light rain, overcast, light breeze.
: 20 kr
: Majestix (on a barge by the shore of Ulvsundasjön)

Nearest underground is Stadshagen, but Kristineberg is also reasonably close. Buses 74 & 61 stop very close to the On Inn (Moa Martinssons Torg). There may or may not be half arrows.


Runners' & Walkers' trails - you know the drill. And as it's just after the birthday of yours truly, and 61=6+1=7 according to hash maths, the theme is BARNKALAS (childrens' party) - please dress accordingly! Unfortunately, 7 year-olds are not of drinking age, so you can expect lemonade at the DS :-D But if you talk nicely to the hare, she may provide something to spice it up with! It will be a combined Drink Stop and Swim Stop - life jacket or inflatable toy mandatory for children! And you might find a play stop or two. 

The On Inn is part of the summer pedestrian area of Hornsbergs Strand, a large barge by the water. The booking is flexible - if the weather is nice, we can sit outside. So, RA - you know what to do!

Last updated 3 months ago.