SAH3 Run #951
The Return of the Wine Tasting Hash!
Saturday, 13 April 2024, 15:00 CEST
: Kopparvägen 47
: Tranny Granny
: 13 °C, partially cloudy, gentle breeze.
: 40 kr

Take the train to Kallhäll (sit towards the front of the train) and follow the half arrows to the On Inn. 


The hash will take place as usual, with runners, walkers and circle. 

For those of you unfamiliar with the format of the wine tasting, here's a little more info:

It's a blind tasting - no expertise required! Each group will get 2 bottles of white, 1 rosé, and 2 red. These will be concealed and you'll be given options to guess from. It's just for fun! 

The Wine Tasting will be in addition to the hash and will be paid for on the day. I aim to keep the cost under 200kr per person, including food and wine, but this will depend on the numbers. Budget for 300kr and you'll likely have some left over for beers on the way home if you aren't drunk enough! 

Please sign up via email (PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOnRyYW5ueS5ncmFubnlAaGFzaC5zZSI+dHJhbm55LmdyYW5ueUBoYXNoLnNlPC9hPg==) or text (0730853191) before Thursday 11th April at 12pm, including any dietary requirements. 

On On! 

Last updated 3 months ago.