SUH3 Run #1513
The Half Marathon Recovery R*n
Wednesday, 13 September 2023, 18:30 CEST
: Huvudsta
: Tranny GrannyTranny GrannyTranny Granny (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T25SeVlXNXVlUzVuY21GdWJubEFhR0Z6YUM1elpTSStkSEpoYm01NUxtZHlZVzV1ZVVCb1lYTm9Mbk5sUEM5aFBnPT08L3NwYW4+)
: 14 °C, overcast, light breeze.
: 20 kr
: Restaurang Lejon

Take the blue line in the direction of Hjulsta when travelling from the centre of the city. There is only one exit at Huvudsta, so be towards the front of the train. (Obviously the back if you're coming the other way!) 

*No half arrows!! Walk through the shopping centre and the restaurant will be on your left before you exit the other side. 


There will be a run, and a walk. Hills and stairs will be avoided where possible, but the hare also may tell lies! 

Anyone expecting a long r*n will be disappointed. Anyone coming for the beer will not! 

Last updated about 1 year ago.