GH3 Run #256
Ninth Anal Island Hash
Saturday, 12 August 2023, 09:05 CEST
: Meet up at Lilla Varholmen
: Happy Pancake, Sir Jerk OffJerk OffJerk Off & Sitting Dull
: 17 °C, overcast, light breeze.

GH3 welcomes you to our ninth amazing Island Hash.

To participate in this run, please sign up by sending an e-mail to PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmdvdGhlbmJ1cmdoaGhAeWFob28uc2UiPmdvdGhlbmJ1cmdoaGhAeWFob28uc2U8L2E+ having the following information:

• Hash name

• Hash kennel

• Full muggle name

• Food allergies if any

• Email

• How you want to pay: swish or bank transfer

The price for the event is SEK 350 including run, ds, bs, snacks, lunch, circle beer and lots of fun!

The fee doesn’t include public transportation, food and beer after the circle.

Upon registration you will receive an e-mail from us with the payment details, either swish or bank transfer.

Note: Your registration is not valid until payment is made.

The number of participants is limited to 30 persons. You will be on the waiting list if 30 hashers are faster than you.

Bag drop will be available, but you have to carry what you need during the day.

How to get there: "Bus Röd" leaves Centralstationen 8.30 am and arrives at Lilla Varholmen 9.03. Hot Boobs will meet visitors in town and make sure they get on the right bus on time.

The theme of the run is Sea kale.

Last updated 3 months ago.