SUH3 Run #1484
A birthday run 42/7
Wednesday, 1 March 2023, 18:30 CET
: Gärdet
: Frozen BallsFrozen BallsFrozen Balls & Pirate OTQPirate of the QueeribeanPirate of the Queeribean (PGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3OTMzNzE0NjEiPjA3OTMzNzE0NjE8L2E+)
: 3 °C, partially cloudy, light breeze.
: 20 kr
: Lion Bar - Gärdet

Take Metro red line #13 towards Ropsten, but get off at Gärdet. We recommend that you travel in the front of the train c*ming from centrum. Climb up  the stairs and grab a spot in the elevator up to Gärdet and the on-in. If you´re lucky there might even be a half-arrow or two showing the way.

If you come by car, ask Google or equal to take you to Gärdet and look for a parking spot in the streets.


Frozen Balls is celebrating another swing around the sun, so come out and help celebrate her birthday.  There will be trails, both runners & walkers. As always bring your wrapable mug, or another drinking vessel of your choice for the drinkstop. A headlamp or torch can be handy both for runners & walkers. The weather looks promising, but you will need to have a good chat with the RA to make sure all the ice will be gone by Wednesday. If not bring your studs!

The restaurant would prefer if as many as possible who wants to eat after the run put their order before the run. We will have a list for you to write your order in. Please be at the on-in some minutes before the run starts to have a look at the menu! They have a good deal on planksteak with a beer, but they also have burgers, fish n´chips etc etc.

Last updated over 1 year ago.