SAH3 Run #920
The hole in the ice part II
Saturday, 4 February 2023, 14:00 CET
: Hagenvägen 20 Trångsund
: Fluffer & Ei Saa Peittää. And the one and only SPRINTO as our co hare 😮😮 (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T214MVpHUmxhbUZ1YzNOdmJrQm5iV0ZwYkM1amIyMGlQbXgxWkdSbGFtRnVjM052YmtCbmJXRnBiQzVqYjIwOEwyRSs8L3NwYW4+)
: 120 kr
: Fluffier and Ei Saa Peittää’s place

Skogås pendeltåg station. 


Take the train (pendeltåg) from Stockholm C Nr. 43 towards Västerhaninge. Get off at Skogås station and go out at the front exit. Follow the half arrows to the start. It's an A to B run/walk. We will have a bag car waiting for us to take our bags to on-inn. We will have trails for walkers and runners. There will be drinkstops and maybe even two swimstops 😮😮. There will be food, drinks (at a cost),jacuzzi and a sauna att the on-inn. Please tell us if you're coming and if you want vegetarian food before Wednesday 1/2 so we know how much food and drinks we need. Welcome everyone 🕺💃😀

Onon Fluffer and Ei Saa Peittää

Fluffers Nr. 0704170960

Last updated about 1 year ago.