SUH3 Run #1402
Wednesday, 4 August 2021, 18:30 CEST
: Ulriksdals station
: 2SC (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T2pKemQyVmtaWE5qYjIxcGJtZEFaMjFoYVd3dVkyOXRJajR5YzNkbFpHVnpZMjl0YVc1blFHZHRZV2xzTG1OdmJUd3ZZVDQ9PC9zcGFuPg==)
: 20 kr
: ONO Sushi

Pendeltåg to Ulriksdal. Exit  in North. Follow half arrows to start. Most likely to the right.


Welcum to a Hash in Ulriksdals Royal forests and Concrete Jungle.

A runners trail will be provided 4 UR leasure and walkers shortcuts 4 lazy farts.

U will be expecting some Drinkstops along the trail and a Swimstop, so bring that favorite drinking vessel along with UR Borat-mannikini if U wish.

If weather, dress accordingly 

On On after at ONO sushi which have excellent japanese cuisine, and beeeeer๐Ÿป๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ”›๐Ÿ”›

Last updated about 3 years ago.