SUH3 Run #1398
Belated Birthday Hash
Wednesday, 7 July 2021, 18:30 CEST
: Västra Skogen
: Tranny Granny (PGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3MzA4NTMxOTEiPjA3MzA4NTMxOTE8L2E+)
: 20 kr
: Pizzeria Västra Skogen is suggested, but optional!

Take the blue line in a northerly direction and alight at Västra Skogen. 


Due to the extremely high chance of rain this evening, the trail will be a Live Hare situation. As your hare is now elderly (or at least a bit older) and was always a little slow in the first place - chalk talk will take place at 18:20 after which the trail setting will begin. Hashers will then set off at 18:30, as usual. 

Any excuse to continue the birthday celebrations! (Party hats optional!) There might be some running, there will definitely be some drinking! 
Rules allow us all to be together again which makes this now slightly older harriette very happy indeed! I'll try to make sure the walkers don't get lost! 
No promises as to the quality of the trail! 

As always, a hash car would be most appreciated so if you have a vehicle and are willing to bring it, please let me know - thank you! 

Last updated about 3 years ago.