SUH3 Run #1389
Old'n Stiff turns 65 run called Stiff'n even Older
Wednesday, 5 May 2021, 18:30 CEST
: Thorildsplan T underground station
: Old'n Stiff (PGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOiUyNTJCNDY3MDY1NzgyODIiPis0NiA3MCA2NTcgODIgODI8L2E+IDxzcGFuIGRhdGEtY29udHJvbGxlcj0ib2JmdXNjIj5QR0VnYUhKbFpqMGliV0ZwYkhSdk9tWmhabVZsYm1kemRISnZiVUJuYldGcGJDNWpiMjBpUG1aaFptVmxibWR6ZEhKdmJVQm5iV0ZwYkM1amIyMDhMMkUrPC9zcGFuPg==)
: 20 kr
: It will be plenty of celebrating liquids served for those bravehearts who wish to send me into the leaning crowd of elderly chaps. Covid safe meaning nothing to eat and out in the fresh air


Sprinto support you wih also this information:

The aging host will stand in the walking tunnel in front of the platform below Drottningsholmsvägen, also relatively close to

Underground (T) Fridhemsplan on Kungsholmen

(The only exit, the south exit, is closest to

Skarpnäck/Farsta Strand/Hagsätra/Högdalen)...



We meet under cover from the weather which is promised to be lousy, outside the tubehall on underground station (T) Thorildsplan on the Underground Green line ("Gröna linjen"). 

This run is as I already mentioned  a wet one. As it should since we are after all a drinking club with a slight running problem. Shorts and T-shirt is not highly recommended in case you're not a Polarbear. We do will have other beers though.

Two trails and they will not be so especially long, maybe 2,5 k each depending of the climate and more tempting activities. Of course walkers, wheelers and petowners are welcome.

Last updated over 3 years ago.