SUH3 Run #1378
Wednesday, 17 February 2021, 18:30 CET
: Raspberry Hills
: 2 Swedes Cummin & Dengue Dick
: 20 kr
: No No No bad bad bad

Raspberry Hills is on the blue Akalla line. Start is  maybe at the parking to the right of the T-bana  exit, Look out for half arrows.


There will be 2 trails

There will be 2 hares

There will be 2 drink stops

There will be 2 Swedes & Dengue Dick misleading the packs.

There will be 1 walkers shortcut.

There will be 2 types of marks; Raspberry flour & Sawdust. Blobs, lines & checks.

So prepare 2 hash in U R best Raspberry outfit and get lost in the deep dark woods at Raspberry Hills.

It is good 2 bring Spikes, mugs, illumination n clothes

Last updated over 3 years ago.