SUH3 Run #1376
Södermalm Surprise
Wednesday, 3 February 2021, 18:30 CET
: Hornstull
: Overdrive & Pants On Fire
: 20 kr
: Nope

Take the red line to Hornstull and the Högalidsparken exit from the back of the train coming from the centre of town. Turn right out of the station and go up the steps into the park.


Come and explore the snowy peaks of the Hornstull Highlands and the icy inlets of the Langholmen Lowlands. There will be a trail for runners with a shorter, flatter version for walkers. The trail will not be bicycle, buggy or wheelchair friendly and the runners' trail will not be suitable for those of a nervous disposition or those who suffer from vertigo ;-)

For runners, spikes are essential, headlamps are handy and ice axes and crampons could be useful if you have them.

Runners and walkers will set off in groups of 8, runners in one direction, walkers in another.

No On Inn but there will be a drink stop - don't forget to bring your mug!


Last updated over 3 years ago.