SUH3 Run #1353
Wednesday, 26 August 2020, 18:30 CEST
: Fruängen
: Ali Wank Bonk, Just Ciaran, Violent Volvo, Just Sara
: 20 kr

Take the red line to Fruängen and follow the half arrows.

For cyclists and cars, we start and finish at the end of Agnes Lagerstedts gata, about 200m east from the t-bana exit.

A hash car will be parked there.


Usual fayre:      

  •  walkers & runners trail 
  •  drink stop
  •  bring a beer for the circle afterwards
  •  there’s nearby restaurants for those who want to eat & drink  afterwards
  •  keep your distance
  •  don't come if you're sick

Last updated about 4 years ago.