SUH3 Run #1332
Wednesday, 1 April 2020, 18:30 CEST
: Huvudsta
: Sir Clever Dick + Termite (PGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3Mzc4ODcyNDYiPjA3Mzc4ODcyNDY8L2E+)
: 20 kr

Take the blue line going to Hjulsta, Get off at Huvudsta. Sit at the front end of the train. Only one exit.

Go up the escalator, don't go into the center. Instead turn right go outsde turn right again and go up the stairs to the carpark. There you will see the hash car. 


Please come dressed to run. Because of Corona virus we will not use a restaurant before the run.

Those who want to eat afterwards can make their own choice on whether they use one of the restaurants in the center.

The hares take no responsibility if you do!

There is a runners trail and a walkers trail. Plus a drink stop. As it is April Fools Day. We have two Fools laying the trail.

There is a theme come dressed as Clever Dick or Termite, or any other fool you can think of. There Mite be a prize to the best attempt!

[Update 2020-03-31: Unfortunately the other Hare, Clever Dick can't make it! I took him into Hospital
on Thursday. He two bleeding stomach ulcers, and a very low blood value. So he need a blood transfusion everyday.
He is surprisingly happy. Mainly because he has had 16 different nurses look after him. He thinks he's in heaven. Especially since he was allowed his first meal yesterday! –Termite]

Last updated over 2 years ago.