SUH3 Run #1302
25th Anniversary for SUH
Wednesday, 4 September 2019, 18:30 CEST
: Häggvik
: Pirate OTQ
: 20 kr
: Hägges Kök och Bar

Take the pendeltåg towards north out of town, that will say #40 or 41, and get off at Häggvik Station. Look for halfminded arrows that will take you to the restaurant. For other options check with

If you want to go there by your beloved car (never recommended...), bike or running just use your automatic GPS thing to find the restaurant.


Welcome to Stockholm Underground Hash House Harrietts 25 years + 1 day birthday!

This Wednesday it is 25 years and 1 day since SUH3 had their first run, and of course we will celebrate for days and days and days. The main happening will be on Svartsö on Saturday, but the Wednesday run will be a prelube to the upcoming celebration.

There will be a trail for walkers & runners, most likely a drinkstop or two, maybe a swimstop option and possibly a good on-inn.

Important info: there will be some trailrunning, you may wanna bring some dry stuff.

Hägges Kök och Bar have kindly given us a good offer on drinks and food so we can celebrate a little: SEK 40,- for a beer (Stor sterk) and SEK 65,- for a glass of wine or prosecco. Foodways we get either högrevsburger or halloumiburger + 1 beer/wine/prosecco for SEK 179,- (you can also buy from the rest of the menu if you want to).


Last updated about 5 years ago.