SUH3 Run #1289
Chunderground 2019
Wednesday, 5 June 2019, 18:30 CEST
: Solna Station
: Hugh Hefner (T3NsZXJkcyBhdCBob3RtYWlsIC4gQ29t)
: 20 kr
: Kalamata Kolgrill

Take the North (away from town) exit and turn right (away from the mall).  Follow the half arrows to Telegrafgatan 3.


Welcome to the Chunderground Swedish Beer Mile.  The concept is that you drink a beer and run 2.5K 4 times.  Totaling 4 beers and 10K (or a Swedish mile).  To fully participate you will need to bring 4 beers (recommenced 33cl cans), however you can  drink and/or run less if you choose.

Last updated over 5 years ago.