SUH3 Run #1283
Hipster hash part 2
Wednesday, 24 April 2019, 18:30 CEST
: Skanstull
: Silly Con Feet (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T2tkMWJtNWhjaTUyYjNoaWVVQjBaV3hwWVM1amIyMGlQa2QxYm01aGNpNTJiM2hpZVVCMFpXeHBZUzVqYjIwOEwyRSs8L3NwYW4+PGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3MjIyMjY1ODAiPjA3MjIyMjY1ODA8L2E+)
: 20 kr
: Thaiboat

WHAT: UG #1283 - the hipster hash part 2

WHEN: 18.30. the 25th of April Come early as its a 10 minuts walk to OnIn from Skanstull T-bana. 

WHERE: OnIn is Thaiboat on Kajplats 301, Östgötagatan 100 

TRAIL: Runners about 7k & walkers 4.5. 

TRANSPORT: Preferably Skanstulls T-bana where south exit is closest. Follow the half arrows from there. If you bring a car u can park on Östgötagatan. U Need to pay for parking until 19.00. 

FOOD & beverage: Yes :-).  No pre order is required.

STAFF: SillyConFeet & Ferdinand The BullShit. 

DRESS CODE: Södermalm hipster if u like.To get some inspiration, look at (in Swedish but I believe you will get the idea...)

OTHER: DS will serve locally brewed beer and Thaiboat is totally cash free so you need to bring a credit card (must be typical Hipster things ;-)).

Last updated over 5 years ago.