SUH3 Run #1268
The nållåtta-run
Wednesday, 9 January 2019, 18:30 CET
: Fridhemsplan, Kungsholmen
: Old'n Stiff (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T21aaFptVmxibWR6ZEhKdmJVQm5iV0ZwYkM1amIyMGlQbVpoWm1WbGJtZHpkSEp2YlVCbmJXRnBiQzVqYjIwOEwyRSs8L3NwYW4+)
: 20 kr
: 08-Baren

Use the underground Fridhemsplan exit west side front of train cumming from T-centralen


Ther will be slippery and dark. Torch and appopriate footwear is good f' ya

If you want to be a real 08; wear something stockholmish (like a handsome look, a pinstriped suit, a smartphone covering your face )

Last updated over 5 years ago.