SUH3 Run #1255
The Oktoberfest Run 2018
Wednesday, 10 October 2018, 18:30 CEST
: Fruängen
: Hardworn Hymen (PGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3MzkyMDI0NzMiPjA3MzkyMDI0NzM8L2E+LCA8c3BhbiBkYXRhLWNvbnRyb2xsZXI9Im9iZnVzYyI+UEdFZ2FISmxaajBpYldGcGJIUnZPbXBoYTI5aU9HaEFaMjFoYVd3dVkyOXRJajVxWVd0dllqaG9RR2R0WVdsc0xtTnZiVHd2WVQ0PTwvc3Bhbj4=)
: 20 kr
: Pizzeria Falken

Fruängen is one of the ends of the Red line south from T-Centralen. There is only one exit from the train, in the front in the direction of travelling.

Follow half arrows from the lower underground exit, use stairs inside toget out at the Fruängen square. To the right passing Systembolaget, then left under the bridge straight up and down the path you will end up at Falken.


The Oktoberfest is when we celebrate the arrival of the best period for the year of hashing and beer drinking. 

It will be lovely damp, wet, windy, and dark. We will thus get ourself into some Oktoberfest by bringing our Lederhosen, Dirdnls, and warm sweaters. Bring some Torch and folding mugs, this should help you through the run. I will not make a too long run. Expect beer for the drinkstop...

Hashcar is already in parking lot. 

Last updated almost 3 years ago.