SUH3 Run #1234 500... Get a Life
Wednesday, 16 May 2018, 18:30 CEST
: Bergshamra
: 2 Swedes Cummin (PGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3MDIzMjgwMDEiPjA3MDIzMjgwMDE8L2E+)
: 20 kr
: Monte Martello

Red T-bana towards Mörby Centrum. Be in rear end of train, exit South. Follow half arrows. Allow 1+2+3+4 min= 500 seconds walking time  to ON IN, Carl Malmstens väg 6


1. 2. 3. 4.... D

Celebrate 2 Swedes Cummin 500 times with the underground harriettes

Runners trail, walkers map, seasonal B checks and beverage stop. Bring Ur mug.

Small cozy restaurant just for us hashers, preorder food, pizzas, exellent husman N cuba specialties

Get a life n last practice 4 BLM.

 D = 500

Last updated over 6 years ago.