SUH3 Run #1232
Wednesday, 2 May 2018, 18:30 CEST
: Västra Skogen Underground Station
: 4Pack
: 20 kr
: Grodhavet

International Harry Potter Day - wizards, witches and (hash) elfs extra welcome


Why should you hash the day after the Marathon Hash? Well, there are several reasons:


  • The trail will be short - pretty damned accurate-ish 4.2195 km
  • Even so, there are short cutting / walkers' / generally lazy bastards' options
  • There will be 2 drink stops
  • It's International Harry Potter day, so there will be a game of Quidditch


So, that was the whys, and here's the wheres and hows:


  • Go to underground station Västra skogen. Any train on the blue line will take you there, as long as you get on at platform 9 3/4
  • Follow the half blood prince arrows to the On Inn, which is Leaky Cauldron, Diagon Alley Grodhavet, Karlbergs Strand 12. We will sit in the boat house
  • To speed things up, the staff would like you to order beforehand. We have these choices:
    • Högrevsburgare med bbq, syrad lök,bacon och ost, 186 kr
      • (Chuck burger with bbq, fermented onion, bacon and cheese)
    • Hängmörad entrecote med kryddsmör, tomat och persilja, 285 kr
      • (Dry-aged entrecote with herbal butter, tomato and parsley)
    • Sommarsallad med halstrad tonfisk eller halloumi, kapris och dill, 210 kr
      • (Summer salad with grilled tuna or halloumi, caper and dill
  • An outfit that goes with the Harry Potter theme is highly encouraged. But be warned: If you choose the invisibility cloak, you risk not being served at the DS!

Last updated over 6 years ago.