SUH3 Run #1206
Wednesday, 1 November 2017, 18:30 CET
: Mörby Centrum / Inverness
: Pirate Of The Queeribean & Frozen Balls (PGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3MDQ5MzY3OTQiPjA3MDQ5MzY3OTQ8L2E+)
: 20 kr
: Pizzeria Golf

Take T-bane 14 to Mörby Centrum and follow half-arrows in the direction of Scotland to find the on-inn.


A hashbagcar will be very much liked by the fellow hashers, please give us a little pling if you´re offering.


Make sure you pay for your food before leaving, remember the hares are poor workers...


Bring out your kilts or other symbols of Scotland to celebrate Samhain in the scottish part of Stockholm in this Inverness run. Let´s welcome the darker half of the year together!


Junior Turd is missing in the dark somewhere and Floater is sailing away from town, so that means we can have a Inverness run on our own. In good Inverness H3 tradition it will not be to long, but some longer loops for the FRB´s.


If you want to dress up for Halloween and don´t own a kilt or other scottish symbols, that´s ok too.

Last updated almost 7 years ago.