SAH3 Run #768
Saturday, 8 April 2017, 15:00 CEST
: Soprangränd 78, 162 47 Vällingby (Kälvesta)
: Two Pricks & Dame Jannie Walker (amFuLmZlcmd1c29uQVRjb21oZW0uc2U=)
: 80 kr
: Soprangränd 78, 162 47 Vällingby (Kälvesta)

PLEASE can you tell Two Pricks & Dame Jannie Walker by Thursday/tors (6th April) if you intend to come on Saturday in order to make catering quantities easier!!! Also, tell us if you have any different dietary requests/needs! Plus, if you want hassle-free parking, try the dagis in Banvägen. The companies in uniform tend to slap parking fines on cars without resident permits parked in our Soprangränd residential parking space :(  ...Thou hast been warned!

DIRECTIONS: 116 Busstop Tumultgränd from Vällingby or Spånga. Parking: Soprangränd street (NOT Residents parking area) OR dagis at 26 Banvägen, 175 67 Järfälla.

Last updated over 7 years ago.