SUH3 Run #1147
The Apple Run
Wednesday, 14 September 2016, 18:30 CEST
: T-Sandsborg
: Bad Pitt (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T214bGJtNWhjblJBYzNabGJuTnpiMjV6WjJWemRHVnlMbk5sSWo1c1pXNXVZWEowUUhOMlpXNXpjMjl1YzJkbGMzUmxjaTV6WlR3dllUND08L3NwYW4+IDxhIGhyZWY9InRlbDowNzA1NTMzMDAwIj4wNzAtNTUgMzMgMDAwPC9hPg==)
: 20 kr
: Enskede Matbod

Dear Hashers!

Welcome to hash #1147 The Apple Run in Gamla Enskede now on Wednesday 14 September at 18.30.
How to get there: Underground T-bana 18, station Sandsborg. Follow half arrows to On Inn.
On Inn: Enskede Matbod.
There will be a walkers trail. ( good for prams with horrors )
There will be Eagles and Turkeys.
There will be two drinkstops.
There will be concrete and sticks and stones.
There will be a Historic stop
And there will of course be Apples!

OBS! Please read:
The On Inn have been so kind to offer us 20% of three different courses and 50:- for a stor stark!
You can choose from these three:
Halstrad råbiff med örtsmör, tomatsallad & pommes frites ( 215:- -20% = 172:-)
Halstrad Röding med krondillsvelouté, ljummen kräftsallad med kummin & kokt potatis ( 255:- - 20% = 204:-)
Vego: Svamprisotto med auberginepiccata, betsallad & senapsvinegrette ( 195:- - 20% = 156:-)
Please let me know before the end of Monday what you want to eat. ( they want to buy us enough stuff to eat )
” Don’t sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me…"
Bad Apple
070-55 33 000

Last updated about 8 years ago.