SAH3 Run #750
Saturday, 30 July 2016, 14:00 CEST
: Ubby-långsjön
: Ramblin Rod (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T25KdlpDNXpkR1Z3YUdWdWMyOXVRR2R0WVdsc0xtTnZiU0krY205a0xuTjBaWEJvWlc1emIyNUFaMjFoYVd3dVkyOXRQQzloUGc9PTwvc3Bhbj4=)
: 80 kr

Getting there...

There are buses to Ubby (stop Djärvs vägskäl) which run just a few times on weekends. Come early and enjoy swimming in the lake and boating. Here are the options:

Driving. If you come up the E4, turn off at Arlanda and follow 273 to Gottrora, then turn towards Rimbo. About 1.5km down the road turn off left towards Rånäs, then after 4.5km turn left towards Knutby. Follow this to the Abrahamsby turnoff, then follow hash signs.

Alternatively, E18 to Rimbo, then E77 for 6km then turn right towards Rånäs. Go past Fasternas Kyrka and the ruined castle, then left and right towards Knutby to Abrahamsby turnoff.

Cycling. It is 33km via scenic back roads from Marsta to via Vidbo/Husby and Abrahamsby. Take the train to Marsta and enjoy a ride through the countryside. I will make a map for anyone interested. There are a lot of forestry roads and cycling trails in the area around the house so you can explore at liesure when you get here. Bring a bike even if you are coming by car!

By Bus:

The nearest stop is "Djärvs vägskäl", which is actually one stop past Ubby, when the bus is on its way back to Rimbo. (The bus does a loop at the end of the line) 

Friday. There are buses to Ubby from Tekniska via Rimbo 639->648 arriving 1707, 1827, 1920. If you get there early, then I may be able to pick you up, otherwise it is a 3km walk to the house, I will set a trail from the bus stop. There is an earlier bus that goes all the way to the Abrahamsby turnoff leaving Rimbo at 1525.


* 1000  Bus 639 Tekniska Hogskolan - Rimbo, 11.02 Bus 648 Rimbo - Ubby 11.35. I will meet the bus and take bags, and there will be an easy run from the bus stop to the house (3km) or transport for those  not running.

* 1200 Teckniska - Rimbo arriving 1300. We will arrange to meet and transport people to
  the run site.

Getting Home. The last local bus leaves Ubby at 1808, so you can make that if you leave right after the circle. But stay over if you can, there is early bus from Rånäs, or a later bus (1136 from Ubby). If enough people are interested we will have an A-B recovery run to Rånäs with a swim stop and meet the bus there (1149)

If you need to get home Saturday evening there are buses every hour from Rimbo. We will try and get people into cars (I won't be driving however...) or will arrange a late taxi pickup if we have enough people.

If you decide you *really* need to get home late on Saturday, stagger/walk/run to 77 at Gottrora (9.5km), catch the midnight Uppsala-Norrtalje bus, then Norrtalje-Stockholm. Basically how I got home from BloQueens last run after my car broke, so it is doable.


End of Summer Hashing Weekend, the second Ubby-långsjön Run....

 *** Update 14 July.  The run will start at 2.00pm, with a pickup from Rimbo at 1.00pm. This will allow for a leisurely circle and post run snacks  for anyone who wants to leave early to catch the 1808 bus from Ubby

Could everyone planning to attend let me know - also if you need transportation from Rimbo.


Join Ramblin' and Foghorn at Ubby-långsjön for a weekend of hashing and general fun. We have an amazing run planned through virgin hash territory with stream and lake crossings, lots of shiggy, and beavers. If you were at Eurohash last year, you missed a great event (and likely got beaten up by local homophobes). Everyone is welcome to come Friday evening or Saturday morning and stay over Saturday night.

Accomodation. We have two extra bedrooms, a stuga with two bunks, a bunkhouse with single bed and two bunks (suitable for kids), plenty of spare matresses and  floor space, and unlimited camping space. Or just fall asleep around the grill/fire pit if the weather is nice.

Whats on offer?


Friday.  A-B trail from Ubby to the venue. Bring something to toss on the grill. Enjoy the summer
evening around the fire.

0800 Breakfast.
Free morning to explore woods and lake. Maybe pick mushrooms if we have a wet summer. Biking and

1135 A-B trail from Ubby to venue.
1200 Lunch
1300 General pickup in Rimbo
1400 The Run. Several drink stops, lake crossing swim, shiggy, lots of scenery.
1700. Circle and light feed for those taking 1808 bus from Ubby.
1800. Dinner, sit around the fire
0000  Midnight lake swim.

0800 Breakfast
0930 Maybe A-B trail with swim in Kornan then to Rånäs to meet 1149 bus.
1100 Walk to Ubby to catch 1136 bus.

More info once we know who is coming and we can plan getting everyone there.

Last updated about 8 years ago.