SAH3 Run #748
Svinningehash 2016
Saturday, 2 July 2016, 15:00 CEST
: Björnholmsvägen 18
: Big Brother, Little Brother, Big Mouth, Ditch Bitch (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T21GdVpHVnljMEJyWVhKdVptRnNkQzV6WlNJK1lXNWtaWEp6UUd0aGNtNW1ZV3gwTG5ObFBDOWhQZz09PC9zcGFuPg==)
: 100 (note: 20 more than usual)

By bus:  Bus 670 departs from Tekniska Högskolan bus terminal 13:50. Get off at Kulla vägskäl 14:16. Be careful and cross the highway! Then take bus 683 towards Åkersberga 14:19. Get off at stop "Svinningeuddsvägen" 14:28. Our hash car vill pick up your bag. 1250 meters to walk.

Going back: - this year we've got later bus options: Emoji

Bus 683 towards Kulla vägskäl departs from the bus stop Svinningeuddsvägen (the other side of the road!) 18:28, 19:32 and 21:02. Last one 22:32. At Kulla vägskäl you change to bus 670 to the city.


By car: Björnholmsvägen 18, Svinningeudd, Österåker. Use GPS. Or: take E20 north, exit towards Vaxholm. Turn left after some 6 km sign Åkersberga. Turn right after 4 more km sign Nantes.
Turn left after some 2 km sign Svinningeudd. Keep right 2 times. Go straight until the parking where the road ends by the sea. Walk left.

By ship: call Big B 0707344032 when you approach the destination if not sure where to moor.


The Brothers & The Sisters in Law welcomes you to the Svinninge hash 2016, out in the archipelago, but still on the mainland, easy to get to.

About the same procedure as every year:
Runners trail - normal length
Walkers trail - shorter than the runners'
Drink stop(s)
After run swim & sauna & outdoor jacuzzi, so bring a towel!
Food: Yes! ....Let us know a couple of days before if you have special needs.
Drinks: Stronger beer & wine at self-cost if you bring cash. No credit.
Late evening hot dog.

If you wish to stay the night: contact Big Mouth in advance for bed reservation until we run out. PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmdpdHRhbkBrYXJuZmFsdC5zZSI+PHNwYW4gc3R5bGU9ImZvbnQtd2VpZ2h0OiBub3JtYWw7Ij5naXR0YW5Aa2FybmZhbHQuc2U8L3NwYW4+PC9hPg==  070-35 999 81.  You are welcome to bring tents & sleeping bags! Breakfast (25 SEK) will be provided.

* * * Let us know a few days in advance if you're cummin! * * * * *
Bring tents, sleeping bags & towels!

Big Brother (Göran) 070 734 40 32   PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmdvcmFuQGthcm5mYWx0LnNlIj48c3BhbiBsYW5nPSJFTi1VUyIgc3R5bGU9Im1zby1hbnNpLWxhbmd1YWdlOiBFTi1VUzsiPmdvcmFuQGthcm5mYWx0LnNlPC9zcGFuPjwvYT4=
Little Brother (Anders) 070 396 37 38  
Big Mouth (Gittan) 070 359 99 81   PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmdpdHRhbkBrYXJuZmFsdC5zZSI+Z2l0dGFuQGthcm5mYWx0LnNlPC9hPg==

Ditch Bitch (Sonja) 073 623 09 44   PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOnNvbmphQGthcm5mYWx0LnNlIj5zb25qYUBrYXJuZmFsdC5zZTwvYT4=

Last updated over 4 years ago.