SUH3 Run #1101
Lillies and winter explosions?
Wednesday, 28 October 2015, 18:30 CET
: Liljeholmen T
: Hardworn Hymen (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T2twaGEyOWlPR2hBWjIxaGFXd3VZMjl0SWo1S1lXdHZZamhvUUdkdFlXbHNMbU52YlR3dllUND08L3NwYW4+IDxhIGhyZWY9InRlbDowNzIzOTUxNTM4Ij4gMDcyMzk1MTUzODwvYT4=)
: 10 kr
: Chong Qing

Take the Stockholm underground red line from T-central toward Fruängen, Norsborg (that is direction south-west) Exit on stop Liljeholmen on the east side (backwards in the train direction if coming from t-centralen). Follow half arrows across the street with the tram lines down the hill to the left. Follow slight ríght around the parking house, cross the street and follow the Liljeholmsvägen towards the water. See map.


Short run...  In familiar area,  but may take some different turns.  Guess not pram/pedals  friendly but if announced presence alternative route will be drawn (partly done alreeady) . Drinkstop yeah! Walkers will be provided with a map and may choose whatever shortcuts they lik. Parking is available close by.

The Chineese restaurant is now called Chong Qing and may be under new management since last time we visited, so take some time to check out their menu using the provided link. Remember to arrive early to order the food before the run.

BTW it is dark so bring a flashlight. Most of the trail is in paths with lights but there may be a few places where it is not so well lit.

Last updated over 8 years ago.