SUH3 Run #1094
Sir MaliBog & Clever Dick
Wednesday, 9 September 2015, 18:30 CEST
: Hökarängen
: Sir Malibog (PGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3MzIxMDcyMjIiPjA3MzIxMDcyMjI8L2E+)
: 10 kr
: Michel Räv

D’Day Undergrowners….

Welcome to the 21st barfday of the UH3 

By un-popular demand the Two Sires

MaliDick & CleverBog are conducting this great event.

When: Wednesday 9th September…


Where: Restaurant/Pub MICKEL RÄV

Pepparvägen 27


T Banana Hökarängen. (on green line towards Farsta) Leave train at front exit kummin’ from Stockholm.


Follow half arrows for approx. 250 metres.


The owners have kindly extended their Lunch Meny for us.

Meaning we can order the whole plate for 80 kr.


Vitlöksmarinerade kycklingfilé med anjarvisås och unbaked potatis.

Strömmingsflundra med kokt potatis, skirat smör och rårörd lingon.

Husets pytt i panna med rödbetor och stekt ägg Past carbonara Incl. Dryck, sallad, bröd och kaffe ingår


Other dishes are also available.


We would like to know approx how many will be there.

So if you can give us an idea would be great.


Also if you wish to pre-order food ring following number to pre-book

08-6053530 Abbe

Give them chance to make arrangements with food.

Or order your dishes before the run. 

Now that  the Underground becomes of age at 21 we hope as many as possible will venture out into the woolly wilds of Hökarängen & Fagersjöskogen.

As we take the UH3 back into the realms of real Hashing.

See ya all thar



MaliDick & CleverBog


The KEY of the DOOR Run

Last updated over 8 years ago.