SUH3 Run #1087
Brewery Run
Wednesday, 22 July 2015, 18:30 CEST
: Kungstradgarden station
: Bam-Bee (bWloZXplbCBhdCBqdW5vLmNvbSBvciA8YSBocmVmPSJ0ZWw6MDczOTc0NzQ2OCI+MDczOTc0NzQ2ODwvYT4=)
: 10 kr

Since it is summer and we are guaranteed nice weather and everything moves a bit slower in the city, I have set up a short run from Kungstradgarden station followed by a boat to OnInn at Fjaderholmarna Bryggeri for beer and food.

Meet: Kungstradgarden Station at 18:20

Start: Kungstradgarden Station at 18:30

What next: Short run through the tourist filled streets.

After Run: Catch the 19:30 boat to Fjaderholmen

Around 20:00 in the pub eating and drinking.


I'm checking to see if we can get a discount on the boat.  Since I hope we will be more then 10 people, then there should be 10%.  I can help anyone who needs a bit of help as I know this on inn will be a bit pricier then normal.

If someone will have a hash car it would be appreciated, otherwise I will come up with a creative solution for bags.

As it gets colder in the evening, some warmer clothes for the boat and OnINN are recommended.

Last updated over 8 years ago.