SAH3 Run #728
Saturday, 26 September 2015, 15:00 CEST
: Gamla Eneberg, Ljungbergsgatan 3, Norrtälje
: Blow Queen (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T21Kc2IzRjNaV1Z1UUdkdFlXbHNMbU52YlNJK1lteHZjWGRsWlc1QVoyMWhhV3d1WTI5dFBDOWhQZz09PC9zcGFuPiA8YSBocmVmPSJ0ZWw6MDcyNzYyMDc3MCI+IDA3Mi03NjIgMDcgNzA8L2E+)
: 70 kr
: Sir Clever Dick

Thanks to SL's spiffy double decker busses, it's really easy to get to Norrtälje from Stockholm. Bus #676 leave Tekniska Högskolan and Danderyds sjukhus every 15 minutes in the afternoon and return every 30 min in the evening. The trip takes about an hour and there's free WiFi on the bus.

The latest bus you can catch and still arrive to the hash on time leaves Tekniska högskolan at 13:50 and Danderyds sjukhus at 14:00. Get off at Norrtälje Gustavslund at 14:51. That is the stop after Campus Roslagen, which is right after the big roundabout at the entrance of town. From the bus stop, it's about a 500 m walk to the On Inn with arrows marking the way.

Returning to Stockholm, the corresponding bus stop is on the other side of the street but about 250 m closer to the town center. There will be arrows marking it too. Bus #676 leave Norrtälje Gustavslund every half hour at :04 and :34 until 00:04, but bus #696 continues once an hour after that until 01:46.

Alternatively, by car, head north from Stockholm on the E18 until you reach Norrtälje.  Take the third exit in the big roundabout at the entrance of town and continue on road 76 until you reach the next roundabout. Take the first exit here and then immediately afterwards, turn right onto Lännagatan. After three blocks, it will turn left and turn into Ljungbergsgatan. Park anywhere after the red Audi.


Hashers of varying & questionable sex, please be welcum to the Old Cottage Eneberg in Norrtälje this Saturday, September 26, for its 5th Annual Absolut Run! It'll be a captivating experience...

There will be trail, there will be shiggy, there will be checks and back checks, but most importantly, there will be drink stops! And beer, don't forget beer. For the occasion, two new home brews will be seeing the light of day: Blanche de Pommes & Witte Kriek, both wheat beers flavored with home grown fruits from the garden.

So cum one, cum all / cum multiple times and enjoy a change from the hustle of the big town with the bustle of the little town. Just let me know ahead of time so that I can make sure there's enough food and drink for everyone.

You're welcome to stay the night too.  There are a few beds and several mattresses available in the house as well as a grassy lawn for anybody who wants to pitch a tent. There's also an STF hostel called Hvilan 200 m from the On Inn and Hotel Roslagen just across Stockholmsvägen about a 15 min walk away.

In short --

Please RSVP if you:

  • Plan to come.
  • Have dietary restrictions.
  • Want to stay the night.

Thank you & On-On!

Last updated over 8 years ago.