SAH3 Run #726
Saturday, 29 August 2015, 13:05 CEST
: Ljusterö
: SillyConFeet (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T21kMWJtNWhjaTUyYjNoaWVVQjBaV3hwWVM1amIyMGlQbWQxYm01aGNpNTJiM2hpZVVCMFpXeHBZUzVqYjIwOEwyRSs8L3NwYW4+)
: 70 kr
: Kvarnbergsvägen 8, Ljusterö near Stockholm

WHAT: Absolute #726 – the fermented herring hash on the Island of Ljusterö – welcome!

WHEN: NOTE – THIS HASH WILL START 13.05 when bus 626 arrives @ Laggarsvik and NOT 15.00, Saturday the 29th of August 2015.

WHERE: A will be Laggarsvik, B will be Casa SillyConFeet on Kvarnbergsvägen 8 on Ljusterö. There will be car at Laggarsvik taking your bags to B.

FEEDBACK: Please let me know

1/       if you are cuming so I can plan amount of food and beer.

2/       if you bring a pram so I can prepare walkers trail for prams.

3/       if you are staying over so I can prepare the beds.

4/       if you are cuming with car/boat to B so I can arrange transport to A.

TRAIL: It’s going to be an A2B run/walk. The walkers trail will be about 6 k and runner trails 9-12 k. There will be one drink/sweetstop and one drink/swimstop.


Getting there: 

Alt 1 Take bus 626 from Danderyds sjukhus 11.25 and get off at Laggarsvik 13.05.

Alt 2 Take car and drive to the venue on Kvarnbergsv 8 at Ljusterö ( Let me know if you take your own car so I can arrange so you get to Linanäs brygga before the start. 

Recommended ways of getting back:

Alt 1 Bus 626 from Lillström ->Danderyds sjukhus 19.44-21.42.

Alt 2 Stensvik -> Strömkajen 18.49-20.50 – then you get a scenic home trip. The landing is 3.5 km away – please let me know in advance you want to take this boat. Cost for taking the boat – look at

Alt 3 Waxholmsboat Linanäs-> Strömkajen 14.40-16.55 on Sunday (I can drive you there). Cost for taking the boat – look at

Alt 4 Other bus or boat alternatives on Sunday if you are stayining over - see (bus alternatives - search on Mjölnarström or Lillström to Danderyds sjukhus, boat alternatives - search on Stensviks brygga or Linanäs brygga)

ACCOMODATION: There are extra beds indoor for 6, 2 in the sailing boat, a sofa and a tent friendly garden.

STAFF: SillyConFeet is hare. Any volunteer helping with setting tables and cooking?

DRESS CODE: hash gear after weather.  Swimgear recommended as there will be a swimstop which and there are no shower possibilities. Non-shy hashers can of course do without the swim gear.

OTHER: Enjoy!

Emergency phone number: 0708-184964




Last updated about 1 year ago.