SAH3 Run #720
Ersatz National Day Run
Saturday, 6 June 2015, 15:00 CEST
: Svartensgatan 8B
: B. Queen (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T21Kc2IzRjNaV1Z1UUdkdFlXbHNMbU52YlNJK1lteHZjWGRsWlc1QVoyMWhhV3d1WTI5dFBDOWhQZz09PC9zcGFuPiwgPGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3MzY1MDI4MzAiPjA3My02NTAgMjggMzA8L2E+)
: 70 kr

"Sverige består av Skåne och norr därom liggande fäbodar..."

Please welcum to Absolut Run #720 a.k.a. The Ersatz National Day Run, this year foolishly handed over to a native Skåning. (Moahahaha! <insert maniacal laughter>)

And where to have if not at the Skåne of Stockholm, i.e. Södermalm! So please join me at my cozy little 2 r.o.k. at Svartensgatan 8 B by Mosebacke torg this Saturday, June 6 at 15:00 CET DST. The gate code is XXXX. Continue through the passageway across the yard to the inner building and enter the same code again there. My flat will be on the second floor.

If you come by public transit, half arrows will lead the way from T-Slussen, exit Götgatan.

  • There will be a sauna, so please bring a towel.
  • There will be drink stops, so please bring thirst.
  • There will be sunshine -- or at the very least, a mooning by the hare.

Preferred outfit: Skånedräkt and beard. After all, you will be going to the center of Hipster Town and you want to fit in, don't you?  In a pinch, a Sverigedräkt will do or even a random yellow T-shirt with red or blue running shorts as well as a penciled in mustache. Or just cum naked with a giant flag painted on your body -- we're not too picky.

Please let me know by Thursday at the latest if you have any dietary restrictions or else expect to go to 7-Eleven around the corner to get your dinner.  Beer & wine at self cost as usual.

If you have any questions or can't find the place (really?!), feel free to e-mail me or text / call me on 073-650 28 30 or 072-762 07 70.

On-On, or, as we say down south, On-On!

Your's truly,
--B. Queen.

"Ja Skaune ei itt harlitt lann, harlitt lann..."

Last updated over 8 years ago.