SAH3 Run #685
Saturday, 1 February 2014, 11:00 CET
: Uppsala
: Limp & Hugh Hefner (PGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3MzA1MTM3OTYiPjA3MzA1MTM3OTY8L2E+)
: 20 kr
: Fyrishov

One of three options:

By Car

  • Take the E4 going north from Stockholm
  • Follow signs to Uppsala (take exit 186 towards uppsala S C)
  • At the roundabout, take the second exit onto Tycho Hedéns väg.
  • At the Statoil roundabout, take the 3rd exit onto Gamla Uppsalagatan
  • Turn right onto Idrottsgatan and park outside Fyrishov.


By Train and walk (extra train ticket required on top of SL card)

  • Take pendeltåg leaving 09:39 from Stockholm C
  • Train arrives at 10:34 in Uppsala C. Follow the half arrows briskly to Fyrishov (25 min walk) to arrive precisely on time.


By train and bus (extra train and bus tickets required on top of SL card)

  • Take pendeltåg leaving 09:39 from Stockholm C
  • Train arrives at 10:34 in Uppsala C. Switch to bus 14 (towards Flottiljgatan) or 42 (towards Naturstensvägen) and alight at Fyrishov.

Please note the time change!

This is a short (probably 6km without checks) trail seeing some of the sights of Uppsala, followed by a circle.

The on inn is Fyrishov, where the Swedish Homebrew Society is hosting a homebrew competition/mässa (and at Fyrishov you can shower and eat at the restaurant).

For those who wish, tickets to the mässa are 220kr per person, and this gives you unlimited beers (until we drink them dry!). The mässa starts at 12:00 (we will be a bit late) and finishes at 17:00.

Last updated over 8 years ago.