SUH3 Run #990
Wednesday, 18 September 2013, 18:30 CEST
: J - Helenelund
: Malibog

Salutations fellow Ladies, Gentlemen and others
Mine preux chavalier, the flower of chivalry Sir MaliBog, order of the shoe
Hast hym most kindlie acquiesced, to aideth a stricken Damselle in distresse
and woes cometh.
And inn so doeth doth invite thee Lords, Ladies and serfs to the Hellenas
Grove packet station.
This beinge yon therd stoppe upone the Greate Northern Iron Way
On Wodensdaeg the 18th day of September.
At the stroke of 6 and one halfe houre.
And so I bidde thee farewell till thene.
OnOneth The Lady Red Horse

Last updated almost 11 years ago.