SUH3 Run #979
Wednesday, 3 July 2013, 18:30 CEST
: Stadion, exit Karlavägen
: Rat Poison

Hopefully there are some arrows to guide you there, otherwise, you can almost see the place from where you get up from the station.


And yes, from the On In, there will be a trail which will probably not be too far (due to badly trained hare, among other things), I can't see no reasons to why prams and other wheel featured stuff wouldn't be able to get around, and it should probably be possible for walkers to get back to the circle as well. I will work on the details, do not fear! Also, I'm seriously considering to include a, what is often named "drink stop" somewhere during the course, as I understand it, this is generally an appreciated feature during a run, so do not fear at this point either.

Last updated over 2 years ago.