SUH3 Run #823
Wednesday, 7 July 2010, 18:30 CEST
: Åkeshov, last car if coming from town
: Duty Free & Sonya (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T25SdmJHbHJhbWxBZVdGdVpHVjRMbkoxSWo1MGIyeHBhMnBwUUhsaGJtUmxlQzV5ZFR3dllUND08L3NwYW4+)

Duty Free's Farewell run!

Примечание: Забег будет оÑущеÑтвлÑÑ‚ÑŒÑÑ Ð¸Ð· точки Рв точку Б. Зайцы предоÑтавÑÑ‚ машину Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ‚Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ñпортировки вещей бегунов. Ðа маршруте будут организованы оÑтановки Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÑƒÐ¿Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ отдыха, а также предложены алкогольные и безалкогольные напитки. Возьмите Ñ Ñобой теплую одежду, чтобы можно было поÑидеть в баре на открытом воздухе поÑле бега.

Google translation: Note: Race will be from point A to point B. Hares provide a car for transportation of things runners. On the route will be arranged stops for swimming and recreation, as well as the proposed alcohol and soft drinks. Bring warm clothes, so you can sit in the bar in the open air after the race.

Babel fish translation: Note: Round will be achieved from the point A into [B]. [Zaytsy]'s point they will grant machine for the transport of the things of runners. The stoppages for bathing and leisure will be organized on the route, and alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages are also proposed. Take with itself warm clothing so that it would be possible to sit in the bar in open air after run.

Another online translation: The note: Running will be carried out from a point And in B.Zajtsy's point will provide the car for transportation of things of runners. On a route stops for bathing and rest will be organized, as well as offered alcoholic and soft drinks. Take with itself warm clothes that it was possible to sit in a bar on open air after run.

Babylon 8: Note: race will be carried out from the point and to the point B.. ' ki Zajci will provide car to transport things city. On the route will be organized stopping bathing and recreation, and also offered alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages. Take a warm clothing, that it could sit in the bar on the open air after beg.

Last updated almost 3 years ago.