SAH3 Run #660
Saturday, 16 February 2013, 14:00 CET
: Casa Fourpack, aka Kristinebergs Strand 31, door code 1789
: Fourpack, Hugh Hefner & Laid Bird (TW9iaWxlOiA8YSBocmVmPSJ0ZWw6JTI1MkI0NjA3MDQ0NDU0ODIiPis0NiAoMCk3MCA0NDQ1NDgyPC9hPg==)
The Trail: We'll have a Runners trail of approximately 12K with Chicken options and a Walkers trail of approximately 6K. The Runners trail will be rather pram-unfriendly in places, but your Hares will be friendly and tell you alternative routes. There will be 2 HBS (Home Brew Stops)! Do bring your spikes - it's likely to be slippery in places!

After: Sauna, SS (if someone has a drill or similar tool to break the ice!), food and... Homebrew! As this is a Homebrew Hash, we'll have no strong beverages other than home made beer (BYO if you like!), but we will also provide soft drinks and folköl

And of course... We'll have a prize for the best homebrew! Each Hasher is allowed to enter as many brews as he/she likes. The brews will be numbered and you will be able to vote for your favourites. It's strictly Folkets Val / People's Choice, that is, it won't be judged as a typical Imperial Stout or IPA or something, but simply as the Best Hash Brew! Please reply to let me know if you're cummin and if you have any food requirements such as vegetarian, allergies etc!

On on from your Hares

Last updated almost 11 years ago.