SAH3 Run #617
Saturday, 25 June 2011, 15:00 CEST
: The old cottage "Eneberg" at Ljungbergsgatan 3 in Norrtälje
: Blow Queen (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T214bGJtNWhjblJBYkc5MmMzUnlZVzVrTG1OdmJTSStiR1Z1Ym1GeWRFQnNiM1p6ZEhKaGJtUXVZMjl0UEM5aFBnPT08L3NwYW4+)
If you drive, head north from Stockholm on the E18 until you reach Norrtälje. Go straight through the new roundabout at the town entrance, continue about 900 m on Stockholmsvägen and then turn left on Stegelbäcksgatan at the traffic light by ICA Flygfyren. Turn right on the first side street (Götgatan) and then left on the next one (Lundmansgatan). Continue past Frötunagatan and turn right on Vikingagatan when Lundmansgatan ends. Ljungbergsgatan will be on your first left. You can park anywhere on Vikingagatan or Ljungbergsgatan. Our house, the old off-white cottage with yellow windows, will be hidden behind the trees immediately on your left as you walk or drive down Ljungbergsgatan.

If you take public transit (highly recommended & very convenient), SL bus 676 leaves from Tekniska högskolan and Danderys sjukhus every 15 minutes and the ride to Norrtälje takes exactly 1 hour. Get off at Norrtälje Gustavslund (the 2nd stop after entering town). Then walk about 400 m (marked) to the house.

The last bus that will get you there in time leaves Tekniska högskolan at 13:45 and Danderyds sjukhus at 13:54.

In the evening, busses return to Stockholm every 30 min on the hour and half hour, i.e. 20:00, 20:30, 21:00, etc, until midnight; then at 00:45 and 01:45.

You're welcome to stay the night too. There are a few beds and several mattresses available in the house as well as a grassy lawn for anybody who wants to pitch a tent. There's also an STF hostel called Hvilan within spitting distance and Hotel Roslagen just across Stockholmsvägen.


Please also let me know if:
• You have special food requirements.
• You would like a bed/mattress for the night.
• You plan to bring a tent.

It would highly facilitate planning as well as ensure that enough alcohol*** will be on hand.

For further directions or information, please contact your's truly by e-mail or phone (073-6502830 or 0176-10554).

Last updated almost 11 years ago.