SAH3 Run #831
SUH3 25 years + AGPU 2019 SAH3
Saturday, 7 September 2019, 10:00 CEST
: Svartsö
: MizmanBad PittLittle Brother
: 200 kr
: Bygdegården Alsvik
NB: This event is now fully booked!
Welcome to a great hash event Saturday 7 September were we celebrate SUH3 25 years and at the same time have AGPU 2019 for SAH3!
The running and party event will be on SVARTSÖ in the Stockholm archipelago and will start with a boat trip from Strandvägen kajplats 14 10.00 AM. The boat ticket you pay yourself!( Swish 80:- to Ditch Bitch) It's a whole day event with lunch, running, drink and swimstops, dinner and BEER. Vegetarian options both lunch and dinner. Please let us know.
There will also be "Fun & Games" during the day.
Cost: 200 SEK for Stockholm Hashers. Maximum 50 participants.
You register by swish 200 SEK and write your HASH NAME to 073-6230944 ( Sonja Karnfält/ Ditch Bitch) or give her cash at next Underground or Absolut.
If there are any places left, external hashers can participate for 400 SEK. We will send out notices about this in good time.
10:00AM–11:30 Boat trip to the beautiful archipelago. Boat leaves from Strandvägen, kajplats 14
Short walk to the On Inn at Hembygdsgården
12:00 – 12:45 AGPU, rewards, beer/wine + lunch wrap.
1:00 PM – Run, walks, with drink stops, games and fun.
3:30 – 4:15 Circle + beer
4:15 – 4:45 Bath and relaxing
5:00 – 5:45 Dinner & Drink
5:45 – 6:00 Cleaning and taking care of garbage
6:15 – 8:30 The boat back to Stockholm
8:30 – Pub crawl for those who have some power left
There is a food store near the landing at Svartsö that closes at 1.00PM
Due to shortage of water there will be no showers. But we have the wonderful sea.
More detailed info will come or be updated.

Last updated almost 2 years ago.